PMO Project Listing Revamp Alpha

This is a pilot project initiative that I worked on for the PMO department. The objective of this project is to speed up the process of pulling reports as requested by the Associate Vice President.

  • Write all the code
  • Stack small boxes
  • Read books and stuff
  • Drink much coffee
  • Lightning bolt
  • Shadow clone technique

Report Examples

See Below

Exhibit 1: Gantt Chart

Shows how a chart can be used to show similar bars to what Dhrun has in his reports depicting budgets at a glance

Exhibit 2: Overview of Year by Report Refreshes

This would show an overview of current/past years with a record of each refresh (i.e. weekly) but with the appropriate color in accordance to the health of the budget

Exhibit 3: Pie Chart using HighCharts (Very basic - demo purposes only)


Exhibit 4: Stacked Area Chart [Note: This is a percentage graph; need use-case scenarios] [Showcase dropdown menu: saving to PDF]


Exhibit 5: Combo Multi-Axes (Able to dynamically add Y-axis values in accordance to active legend items)


Exhibit 6: Polar Spider (Budget v. Spending)


Exhibit 7: Spline Plot-Bands (Able to dynamically change Y-axis in accordance to active legend items)


Exhibit 8: Combination Chart
